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منتديات فور يو القسم الرئيسي food and agriculture news As? es 'I Wrote A Song', la canci?n de Reino Unido para Eurovisi?n 2023: letra y vide
الريــم Senior Member

Ya est? todo listo para que empiece el festival de la canci?n m?s esperado: Eurovisi?n 2023. En el certamen, treinta y siete pa?ses trataran de alzarse con el micr?fono de cristal en Liverpool, ante la atenta mirada de millones de eurofans que ya han empezado la cuenta atr?s esperando el 13 de mayo.

M?s informaci?n (Auto)

T?tulo noticia (Auto)

A pocos d?as de la final, la batalla musical comienza. La misma semana del evento se disputar?n las dos semifinales: el martes 9 y el jueves 11 que determinar?n qué pa?ses acompa?ar?n al Big Five y Ucrania en la gran final del concurso. Todo el evento podr? seguirse ?ntegramente por La 1 de RTVE.

Reino Unido defiende Eurovisi?n 2023 con 'I Wrote A Song'

Reino Unido es el pa?s anfitri?n de Eurovisi?n 2023, y la artista Mae Muller es la elegida de representar a los brit?nicos con la canci?n 'I Wrote A Song'. La joven de 25 a?os fue escogida por la BBC para tomar el relevo de Sam Ryder que interpret? 'Space Man' la pasada edici?n, logrando el segundo puesto, el mejor desde 1998.*

El pa?s brit?nico debut? en la segunda edici?n de Eurovisi?n en 1957, logrando levantar el micr?fono de cristal en cinco ocasiones, la ?ltima fue en 1997. Aun as?, Reino Unido es el pa?s que m?s veces ha quedado en segundo puesto, y es que lo ha hecho nada m?s y nada menos que en 14 ocasiones.*

Mae Muller confes? que escribi? el tema 'I Wrote A Song' cuando estaba pasando un momento complicado en su vida y su objetivo era empoderarse en las relaciones. La letra est? dedicada a una ex pareja infiel.

Videoclip de 'I Wrote A Song' - Mae Muller

Letra de 'I Wrote A Song'

When you said you were leavin'

To work on your mental health

You didn't mention the cheating

You kept that one to yourself.

I got so mad was gonna

Cuss you out, outside your house

For everyone to see.

Wanted to trash your Benz

Tell all your friends

How cruel you were to me.

Instead I wrote a song

Bout how you did me wrong

I could have cried at home

And spent the night alone.

Instead I wrote a song

I feel much better now

Me and my girls are out

And we all sing along.

Instead I wrote a song.

Instead I wrote a song.

I kept my cool and composure

My mother would be so proud

I was ready for a sentence baby

Instead I wrote it all down.

Oh I was gonna

Cuss you out, outside your house

For everyone to see.

Wanted to trash your Benz

Tell all your friends

How cruel you were to me.

Instead I wrote a song

Bout how you did me wrong

I could have cried at home

And spent the night alone.

Instead I wrote a song

I feel much better now

Me and my girls are out

And we all sing along.

Instead I wrote a song.

Instead I wrote a song.

Let's celebrate

Dance it away

I thought my heart would break...

Instead I wrote a song

Bout how you did me wrong

I could have cried at home

And spent the night alone.

Instead I wrote a song

I feel much better now

Me and my girls are out

And we all sing along.

Instead I wrote a song.


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